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Departments & Services Telephone Directory

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NOTE: All numbers are area code 850 except where noted.

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Alphabetic: U

Department Address Phone

 Undergraduate Studies, Division of      
 Undergraduate Studies, Division of, Main Office  Rm 3400, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-2451
 Undergraduate Studies, Academic Center for Excellence, Dean  Rm 4310, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 645-9151
 Undergraduate Studies, Division of - Main Fax  Rm 3400, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-6723
 Undergraduate Studies, Division of, Dean  Rm 3300, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-2740
 Undergraduate Studies, Division of, Dean: Deans Fax  Rm 3300, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-6494
 Undergraduate Studies, Division Of, Academic Retention and Enhancement, Center For, (CARE)      
 Academic Retention and Enhancement, Center for, (CARE), Main Office  Rm 300, THC, 109 COLLEGIATE LOOP  (850) 644-9699
 Academic Retention and Enhancement, Center for, (CARE) - Fax  Rm 300, THC, 109 COLLEGIATE LOOP  (850) 644-3151
 Academic Retention and Enhancement, Center for, (CARE) - Fax  Rm 300, THC, 109 COLLEGIATE LOOP  (850) 644-5435
 Undergraduate Studies, Division Of, Advising First      
 Advising First, Main Office  Rm 3200, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-3430
 Advising First - Fax  Rm 000, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-2696
 Undergraduate Studies, Division Of, Office of Undergraduate Research      
 Undergraduate Research, Office of, Director, Main Office  Rm A3600, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 645-9630
 Undergraduate Studies, Division Of, University Honors Program      
 University Honors Program, Main Office  Rm A3600, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-1841
 University Honors Program - Fax  Rm 000, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-2101
 University Advancement, Alumni Association      
 Alumni Association , Main Office  Rm 100, ACF, 1028 W TENNESSEE ST  (850) 644-2761
 Alumni Association - Fax  Rm 000, ACF, 1028 W TENNESSEE ST  (850) 644-8847
 Alumni Association, Administration and Operations  Rm 0102, ACF, 1028 W TENNESSEE ST  (850) 645-2319
 Alumni Association, Alumni Center  Rm 1012, ACF, 1028 W TENNESSEE ST  (850) 644-2761
 University Advancement, Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation      
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Main Office  Rm 2001, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-6000
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Main Office - Fax  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-6211
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Advancement Relations  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-8809
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Advancement Services  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-8900
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Annual Giving  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-0489
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Arts & Sciences Development Office  Rm 0013B, LON, 125 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-9324
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Business Development Office  Rm 000, RBB, 821 ACADEMIC WAY  (850) 294-1193
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Communication & Information Development Office  Rm C4411, UCC, 296 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 645-8312
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Criminology & Criminal Justice Development Office  Rm 0211A, EPS, 145 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 645-0246
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Education Development Office  Rm 1108, STB, 1114 W CALL ST  (850) 644-0565
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Engineering Development Office  Rm 000, STB, 1114 W CALL ST  (850) 559-9134
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Human Sciences Development Office  Rm 0242N, SAN, 120 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 228-1520
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Law Development Office  Rm R0213, LSR, 425 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-6357
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Medicine Development Office  Rm 1120N, MSB, 1115 W CALL ST  (850) 644-4389
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Motion Picture Arts Development Office  Rm 000, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 294-3937
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Music Development Office  Rm 215, HMU, 122 N COPELAND ST  (850) 228-8493
 Fsu Foundation, College Of Nursing Development  Rm 0, UCC, 296 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 274-9407
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Development Office  Rm 0160D, BEL, 113 COLLEGIATE LOOP  (850) 644-1920
 Fsu Foundation, College Of Social Work Development Office  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-1321
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Communication Services  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-8844
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Constituent Programs  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-0246
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Corporate & Foundation Development  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-5633
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Data Management  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-9721
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Division of Student Affairs Development Office  Rm 313, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 445-8778
 Fsu Foundation, Division Of Undergraduate Studies Development Office  Rm A4314, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-2451
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Donor Relations  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-0762
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Executive Vice President  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-4747
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Finance & Accounting  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-0748
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Finance & Accounting - Fax  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-3103
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Fine Arts Development Office  Rm A3106, UCA, 282 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 645-0701
 Fsu Foundation, Gift Planning  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-8253
 Fsu Foundation, Gift Services  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-9193
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Human Resources  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-9849
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Human Resources - Fax  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-5676
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Panama City Campus Development Office  Rm 000, PCB, 636 W CALL ST  (850) 770-2108
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, Research & Prospect Management  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 645-0205
 Fsu Foundation, Special Events  Rm 000, TFB, 325 W COLLEGE AVE  (850) 644-2313
 Ó³»­´«Ã½ Foundation, University Libraries Development Office  Rm 0314F, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 228-3283
 University Advancement, Real Estate Foundation      
 Fsu Real Estate Foundation  Rm 0310, TCB, 200 W. COLLEGE AVE.  (850) 644-3944
 University Advancement, Seminole Boosters, Inc.      
 fsu Trademark, Main Office  Rm C5100, UCC, 296 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-3141
 Seminole Boosters, Inc., Main Office  Rm UCC, UCC, 296 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-3484
 Fsu Trademark Licensing - Fax  Rm 000, UCC, 296 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-2979
 University Center Club      
 University Center Club, Receptionist, Main Office  Rm B6104, UCB, 288 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-8528
 University Center Club, Private Events & Catering  Rm B4130, UCB, 288 CHAMPIONS WAY  (850) 644-9071
 University Housing, Alumni Village      
 University Housing, Alumni Village - Fax  Rm 000, A08, 157 HERLONG DR  (850) 644-8565
 University Housing, Alumni Village, Maintenance  Rm 157-2, A08, 157 HERLONG DR  (850) 644-2035
 University Housing, Alumni Village, Child Development Center      
 Fsu Childcare  Rm 0000, 612 S COPELAND ST, CCD  (850) 644-7970
 University Housing, Alumni Village, Child Development Center  Rm 169, CDC, 169 HERLONG DR  (850) 645-9576
 University Housing, Alumni Village, Child Development Center - Fax  Rm 000, CDC, 169 HERLONG DR  (850) 644-8303
 University Housing, Alumni Village, Police      
 University Housing, Alumni Village, Police  Rm 000, A19, 168 CRENSHAW DR  (850) 644-6481
 University Housing, Operations      
 University Housing, Operations, Main Office  Rm 0, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-2860
 University Housing, Operations, Child Development Programs  Rm 942, SLB, 942 LEARNING WAY  (850) 644-7970
 University Housing, Operations, Housing Maintenance  Rm 0014, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-1871
 University Housing, Operations, Housing Maintenance - Fax  Rm 000, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-4858
 University Housing, Residence Halls      
 Center for Global Engagement, Southern Scholarship Foundation  Rm 000, GME, 110 S WOODWARD AVE  (850) 222-3833
 Center for Global Engagement, Southern Scholarship Foundation - Fax  Rm 000, GME, 110 S WOODWARD AVE  (850) 222-6750
 University Housing, Residence Halls  Rm 0, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-2860
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Broward Hall Assistant Coordinator  Rm 000, BRW, 668 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-9931
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Broward Hall Night Staff Office  Rm 000, BRW, 668 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-9946
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Bryan Hall  Rm 000, BRY, 182 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-1530
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Bryan Hall Coordinator, Office  Rm 000, BRY, 182 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-0829
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Bryan Hall Learning Community Program  Rm 0302, BRY, 182 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-5336
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Bryan Hall Manager  Rm 000, BRY, 182 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-1871
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Cawthon Hall  Rm 000, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-7384
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Cawthon Hall Manager  Rm 000, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-7772
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Cawthon Hall, Undergraduate Residence Hall  Rm 000, CAW, 119 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-7356
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Degraff Hall - East Building 1  Rm 000, DEG, 700 WEST TENNESSEE STREET  (850) 645-8524
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Degraff Hall - West Building 2  Rm 000, DEG, 700 WEST TENNESSEE STREET  (850) 645-8503
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Degraff Hall Assistant Coordinator  Rm 000, DEG, 700 WEST TENNESSEE STREET  (850) 645-8502
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Degraff Hall Coordinator, Office  Rm 000, DEG, 700 WEST TENNESSEE STREET  (850) 645-8525
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Degraff Hall Manager Building 1  Rm 000, DEG, 700 WEST TENNESSEE STREET  (850) 645-8522
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Degraff Hall, Assistant Hall Manager, Building 2  Rm 000, GIL, 702 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 645-8502
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Deviney Hall  Rm 000, DEV, 806 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-3841
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Deviney Hall Assistant Coordinator  Rm 000, DEV, 806 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-5064
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Deviney Hall Manager  Rm 000, DEV, 806 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-2837
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Dorman Hall  Rm 000, DOR, 812 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-3229
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Dorman Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, DOR, 812 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-3026
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Dorman Hall Manager  Rm 000, DOR, 812 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-3221
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Gilchrist Hall  Rm 000, GIL, 702 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-3558
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Gilchrist Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, GIL, 702 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-4018
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Gilchrist Hall Manager  Rm 000, GIL, 702 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 644-4739
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Jennie Murphree Hall  Rm 000, JMH, 126 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-6269
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Jennie Murphree Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, JMH, 126 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-6856
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall  Rm 000, KEL, 74 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-4291
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall Assistant Coordinator, Office  Rm 000, KEL, 74 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-8336
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, KEL, 74 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-2429
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall Manager  Rm 000, KEL, 74 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-3533
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall Manager  Rm 000, KEL, 74 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-5836
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall Manager  Rm 000, ROG, 1147 ACADEMIC WAY  (850) 644-4254
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Kellum Hall Night Staff  Rm 000, KEL, 74 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-0447
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Landis Hall  Rm 000, LAN, 714 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 645-7310
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Landis Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, LAN, 714 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 645-7312
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Landis Hall Manager  Rm 000, LAN, 714 UNIVERSITY WAY  (850) 645-7313
 University Housing, Residence Halls, McCollum Hall  Rm 000, EMH, 1165 ACADEMIC WAY  (850) 644-5235
 University Housing, Residence Halls, McCollum Hall Manager  Rm 000, EMH, 1165 ACADEMIC WAY  (850) 644-1537
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Reynolds Hall  Rm 000, REY, 134 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-2715
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Reynolds Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, REY, 134 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-1247
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Reynolds Hall Manager  Rm 000, REY, 134 CONVOCATION WAY  (850) 644-2435
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Rogers Hall  Rm 000, ROG, 1147 ACADEMIC WAY  (850) 644-5460
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Rogers Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, ROG, 1147 ACADEMIC WAY  (850) 644-1562
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Salley Hall  Rm 000, SAL, 1106 W CALL ST  (850) 644-4745
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Salley Hall Assistant Coordinator, Office  Rm 000, SAL, 1106 W CALL ST  (850) 644-8306
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Salley Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, SAL, 1106 W CALL ST  (850) 644-6044
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Salley Hall Manager  Rm 000, SAL, 1106 W CALL ST  (850) 644-6890
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Sherrill Williams Ragans Hall  Rm 000, RH1, 923 LEARNING WAY  (850) 645-1303
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Sherrill Williams Ragans Hall Assistant Coordinator  Rm 000, RH1, 923 LEARNING WAY  (850) 645-1301
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Sherrill Williams Ragans Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, RH1, 923 LEARNING WAY  (850) 645-1302
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Sherrill Williams Ragans Hall Manager  Rm 000, RH1, 923 LEARNING WAY  (850) 645-1304
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Smith Hall  Rm 000, SMH, 78 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-1577
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Smith Hall Assistant Coordinator, Office  Rm 000, SMH, 78 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-1836
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Smith Hall Coordinator  Rm 000, SMH, 78 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-0812
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Smith Hall Manager  Rm 000, SMH, 78 CHIEFTAN WAY  (850) 644-1445
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Wildwood Hall - North Building 2  Rm 000, RH5, 938 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 645-8556
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Wildwood Hall - South Building 1  Rm 000, RH5, 938 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 645-8588
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Wildwood Hall Coordinator Office  Rm 000, RH5, 938 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 645-8559
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Wildwood Hall Coordinator Office  Rm 000, RH5, 938 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 645-8589
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Wildwood Hall Manager Building 1  Rm 000, RH5, 938 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 645-8587
 University Housing, Residence Halls, Wildwood Hall, Assistant Hall Manager, Building 2  Rm 000, RH5, 938 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 645-8555
 University Libraries, Charlotte E Maguire Medical Library      
 Charlotte E Maguire Medical Library  Rm 1130, MSB, 1115 W CALL ST  (850) 644-3883
 University Libraries, Claude Pepper Library      
 Claude Pepper Library, Main Office  Rm 107, PCB, 636 W CALL ST  (850) 644-9217
 Claude Pepper Library - Fax  Rm 111, PCB, 636 W CALL ST  (850) 644-9350
 University Libraries, College of Law Library      
 College of Law, Research Center, Main  Rm L202, LLB, 425 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-3405
 College of Law Library, Reference Desk  Rm L0202, LLB, 425 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-4095
 College of Law, Research Center - Fax  Rm 000, LLB, 425 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-5216
 University Libraries, Dirac Science Library      
 Dirac Science Library, Main Office  Rm 215, DSL, 110 N WOODWARD AVE  (850) 644-5534
 Dirac Science Library - Fax  Rm 000, DSL, 110 N WOODWARD AVE  (850) 644-0025
 University Libraries, FAMU / Ó³»­´«Ã½ Engineering Library      
 Engineering Reading Room Information Library  Rm A225, CE1, 2525 POTTSDAMER ST  (850) 410-6328
 Engineering Reading Room - Fax  Rm 000, CE1, 2525 POTTSDAMER ST  (850) 410-6337
 University Libraries, Strozier Library      
 Strozier Library, Information Desk , Main Office  Rm 0112D, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-2706
 Strozier Library, Panama City Academic Resource Center - Main  Rm 000, PC3, 5230 WEST HIGHWAY 98  (866) 693-7872
 Strozier Library Monographs, Serials, Cataloging - Fax  Rm 000, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-5671
 Strozier Library, Cataloging & Description  Rm , LTO, 711 W MADISON ST  (850) 644-6321
 Strozier Library, Circulation, Undergraduate Services  Rm 0215, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-1486
 Strozier Library, Digital Library Center  Rm 0023C, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-3053
 Strozier Library, Documents, Maps & Micromaterials  Rm 0027, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-2708
 Strozier Library, Electronic Resources, Mason Hall  Rm 209C, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-7879
 Strozier Library, Facilities  Rm 112B, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-6323
 Strozier Library, Faculty Human Resources & Recruitment  Rm 314j, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-8404
 Strozier Library, Heritage Protocol  Rm 203, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-7988
 Strozier Library, Information Desk , Main Office - Fax  Rm 000, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-5016
 Strozier Library, Interlibrary Loan  Rm 0017, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-5045
 Strozier Library, Interlibrary Loan - Fax  Rm 000, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-4702
 Strozier Library, Library Administration Office  Rm 314, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-5211
 Strozier Library, Library Fines Management  Rm 205, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-8822
 Strozier Library, Monographs  Rm 109, LTS, 755 W MADISON ST  (850) 644-0468
 Strozier Library, Panama City Academic Resource Center - Fax  Rm 000, PC3, 5230 WEST HIGHWAY 98  (850) 872-7720
 Strozier Library, Reserves  Rm 0027, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-5268
 Strozier Library, Scholars Commons Office  Rm 006, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-6061
 Strozier Library, Scholars Commons Office - Fax  Rm 0027, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-1231
 Strozier Library, Serials Acquisitions  Rm 120, LTS, 755 W MADISON ST  (850) 644-6872
 Strozier Library, Special Collections & Archives  Rm 110, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 644-3271
 Strozier Library, Systems  Rm 020, LIB, 116 HONORS WAY  (850) 645-9447
 University Libraries, Warren D Allen Music Library      
 Warren D Allen Music Library, Main Office  Rm 090, HMU, 122 N COPELAND ST  (850) 644-5028
 Warren D Allen Music Library - Fax  Rm 000, HMU, 122 N COPELAND ST  (850) 644-3982
 University Police      
 University (Ó³»­´«Ã½) Police, Main Office  Rm 108, PSF, 830 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-1234
 University (Ó³»­´«Ã½) Police - Fax  Rm 000, PSF, 830 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-3205
 University (Ó³»­´«Ã½) Police, Administration  Rm 204, PSF, 830 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-1239
 University (Ó³»­´«Ã½) Police, Chief of Police  Rm 205, PSF, 830 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-1240
 University (Ó³»­´«Ã½) Police, Police  Rm 830, PSF, 830 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-1603
 University (Ó³»­´«Ã½) Police, Police Records - Fax  Rm 000, PSF, 830 W JEFFERSON ST  (850) 644-0966
 University Relations & Communications, Department of      
 University Communications, Department of, Main Office  Rm 0216, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-2466
 University Communications, Digital Media, Main Office  Rm 0008, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-2828
 University Communications, Creative Services  Rm 0008F, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 645-9941
 University Communications, Emergency Information Hotline  Rm 000, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-4636
 University Communications, News & Research Communications  Rm 0008, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-4030
 University Communications, Photographer  Rm 0008P, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-5763
 University Communications, Photography Services, Main Office  Rm 0008, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-1066
 University Relations & Communications, Governmental Relations      
 University Relations, Governmental Relations  Rm 2011, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-4453
 University Relations, Governmental Relations - Fax  Rm 2015, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-2888
 University Relations & Communications, Vice President      
 University Relations, Office of the Vice President, Main Office  Rm 0216, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-1000
 University Relations, Opening Nights, Main Office  Rm 0216, WES, 222 S COPELAND ST  (850) 644-7670